Tuesday, 5 October 2010

What is the role of the audience?

An understanding and knowledge of an audience can enhance and focus the communication.
Illustrators also need to be able to communicate well. Making it crucial that the specific audience expected to view the illustration is identified and understood by the illustrator as they work towards their ideas.
Illustration is used to say things, whatever the message or idea that is to be communicated there will be a style and type of image which is most appropriate to convey it. The old saying that 'one picture is worth a thousand words' is still valid in the digital world of the 21st century, from its uses in enhancing educational resources from an early age. It can communicate an instant message that is not possible using words. Depending on the message and audience, the style of illustrations can differ to ensure the right look and feel, designers incorporate different techniques and styles from Watercolour pigments, colour pencil, graphite, acrylic paint and computer based software such as photoshop.

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